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The postal address of the Fundación para la Difusión de la Lengua y Cultura Española is:
Calle Dos de Mayo, 16
Pasaje de la Marquesina, 19
Valladolid 47004. España
Tel. +34 983 150 114
You may send us any question or suggestions by filling in the following form.
Submitting this form implies acceptance of these terms of use: As is established by Organic Law 15/1999 for the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your personal details will be treated in an comptuterized way to answer your request. In order to access, rectify, cancel or oppose these data, you may contact the person responsible for the file at the, Fundación para la Difusión de la Lengua y la Cultura Española (Spanish Language Foundation), at: C. de Fray Luis de León, 1, 1ºB, 47002 Valladolid (Spain)..