Practica Español
Practice and learn the Spanish language through the latest news
Guess it!
Audiovisual dictionary for children. Learn Spanish guessing words described by Spanish children.
Popular Stories
Told and illustrated traditional stories of Castilla y León to use them in classroom and in Spanish lessons
The labyrinth of the Fundación
Prove your knowledge in Spanish language and culture. Learn as you have fun with this free game
Book reviews
A selection of books in Spanish about different subjects related to our culture
Expresiones populares
Compendio de dichos y refranes producto de la sabiduría popular española
Algunas reflexiones, como si dijésemos, sobre esos latiguillos que todos utilizamos al hablar
Get to know Spanish cultural traditions through audiovisual format
Links of interest
Some Web sites related to the spreading of Spanish and its teaching
Pictures gallery
Discover our activities through the picture album
Busca palabra
Curiosidades sobre el español online
En esta sección encontrarás herramientas para utilizar en clase, curiosidades sobre el español, etc... que recorren la red y que a medida que nos van llegando las vamos subiendo; si tienes algun archivo que consideras interesante para este sección, envíalo a