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Tapas, petites bouchées

Available in the Pourcel brothers' establishments and in bookshops.
Tapas, of course came to us from Spain, a country to which Jacques & Laurent Pourcel feel a strong affinity, with their innovative southern style cuisine. The Mediterranean provides a part of their inspiration for these delicious mouthfuls which arouse our taste-buds before enjoying a meal. As far as the talented twins of Le Jardin des Sens, Montpellier, are concerned, it's possible to make tapas with about virtually any ingredient from the land or sea.
There is no end to this kind of creative cuisine in as much as these little portions, served in short blasts, have an infinite number of possible ingredients: fish, shellfish, charcutery, snails, vegetables, aromatic herbs, fruit, cheese, eggs... to be accompanied by a good glass of wine or sangria. It's a great way of eating, both unusual and fun. The art of preparing tapas belongs to every day cuisine, like the mezze in Lebanon, the bruschetta in Italy, the little glasses of solid-liquid delicacies of today's French chefs, which go way beyond the Spanish omelette with potatoes, the deliciously mouth-watering tortilla.
In this book with its photography which speaks volumes, Jacques & Laurent Pourcel help you on your way to making their own particular style of tapas, depending on your mood and the ingredients in season. Step inside this world of intelligent fine food and delicious flavours. Jacques & Laurent Pourcel are particularly fond of this book, which they especially enjoyed creating.