Traditional story narrated by Elena Santiago, adapted by David Pérez and illustrated by Jokin Mitxelena.
The Fundación de la Lengua Española has set this project along with Fundación Villalar to publish in our Website traditional stories recorded by voices from Castilla y León. Some artists from our region are also responsible for the adaptations and pictures.
The aim of this project is to spread our culture and language and provide useful tools for the classroom and Spanish lessons.
Visit our YouTube channel
Traditional story narrated by Elena Santiago, adapted by David Pérez and illustrated by Jokin Mitxelena.
Traditional story narrated by Manolo Quijano (Café Quijano), adapted by David Pérez and illustrated by Monserrat Motos.
Traditional story narrated by Luis del Olmo, adapted by David Pérez Rodriguez and illustrated by Jacobo Muñiz
Traditional story narrated by María Lafuente, adapted by David Pérez and illustrated by Montserrat Motos Jiménez.
Traditional story narrated by Juan Carlos Pastor (coach of the Spanish handball team), adapted by Angel Domingo and illustrated by Jesús...
Traditional story narrated by Gustavo Martín Garzo, adapted by Ángel Domingo and illustrated by Manuel Uhía.
Traditional story narrated by Luis Mateo Díez and illustrated by Ernesto Torres Romero.